How to Manage Work Anxiety and Thrive in Your Career

Work anxiety affects more people than you might think. It can impact your performance in the workplace, causing a drop in productivity or making it difficult to stay focused. More importantly, though, it can take a toll on your overall well-being.

Work anxiety can cause a persistent feeling of worry or dread. It can cause physical symptoms like a racing heart or nausea. It can even wreak havoc on your personal life.

But, if you feel like you have to meet certain standards and expectations to thrive in your career, you might think that anxiety is “normal” or just part of the job. That doesn’t have to be the case.

There are plenty of things you can do to manage work anxiety and thrive in your career. Let’s cover a few tips that can help.

Set Boundaries

If you’re dealing with anxiety at work, chances are it’s following you home. Maybe you feel like you have to be “on the clock” every hour of the day, so you take work home with you or allow yourself to be available even when you’re out of the office.

It’s important to set boundaries when it comes to the work you do. It’s okay to say no to certain things, and you don’t have to take extra work home with you. Setting boundaries will make it easier to establish a healthy work-life balance.

It will also be helpful for you to find things you enjoy doing outside of work. Spend time with friends and family, take up new hobbies, or take a class you’re interested in. Focusing on fostering a healthy life outside of work will make it easier to avoid biting off more than you can chew.

Break Things Down

Maybe your work anxiety stems from the workload you have weighing on you each day. Even if you can’t lighten that load, you can break it down into smaller pieces to make it seem less overwhelming.

Every day, create a task list of things you want to get done at work. Prioritize deadlines first, and set realistic goals for yourself. Breaking things down this way not only makes them less daunting, but you’ll feel a sense of pride and accomplishment each time you complete a small task.

Practice Self-Care

It’s essential to take care of yourself both in and out of the workplace. Make sure you’re adopting healthy habits each day. Everything from getting enough sleep to exercising can improve your work-life balance and give your mental health a boost. Additionally, you can practice relaxation techniques to manage your anxiety. Things like mindfulness, meditation, and deep breathing exercises are great for reducing anxiety and helping you feel more grounded.

Be a Strong Communicator

Don’t be afraid to speak up if you’re struggling with anxiety at work. Try to identify your triggers, whether it’s a heavy workload, specific projects, or even certain co-workers. When you’re able to figure out what’s triggering your anxiety, you can talk to management about different ways to manage your mental health.

Work With a Mental Health Professional

Maybe you aren’t sure what’s triggering your work anxiety. Or, even with the strategies listed here, you might still have a hard time managing it on your own.

One of the best things you can do for yourself is to talk to a therapist about what you’re experiencing. Therapy will help you better understand where your anxiety comes from. What’s more, it will offer additional insight into how you can manage and overcome it.

It’s perfectly fine to want to thrive in your career, but not at the expense of your mental health. If you need help managing work anxiety, feel free to contact me to set up an appointment soon.