Understanding Christian Counseling Through the Eyes of Allie Datz
/There are some common questions I am asked when consulting with new clients such as: What distinguishes Christian counseling from other types of counseling? How do I know if Christian counseling is for me or my family? What is the unique approach of a Christian Counselor?
Let’s explore what Christian counseling is, by first looking at what counseling, in general, is designed to be according to the American Counseling Association:
“Counseling is a professional relationship that supports clients with mental, physical, and spiritual wellness in mind. Counselors create a safe, non-judgmental atmosphere to get to know their clients, journey with clients to develop insight into their concerns, as well as listen to and empower clients in their goals.”
As I see it, counselors have the immense privilege of hearing clients’ unique stories and the responsibility to approach sessions with their client’s individuality and beliefs in mind.
A multitude of research studies (1, 2) reveal that faith and spirituality are extremely helpful resources for people, which can improve and support one’s mental health in the counseling process. This helps us understand Christian counseling to be a form of counseling that honors the individuality of each client while incorporating their faith into sessions.
Some clients may feel assured to know that their counselor identifies as a Christian, but do not feel the need to talk about their faith in counseling. Other clients may enjoy integrating prayer into sessions or appreciate exploring their relationship with God and their faith community. Incorporating faith into the counseling experience is based upon what each client feels comfortable with, as it is a journey unique to them!
I pray this blog post will be an encouragement to you, the reader, if you are contemplating counseling, Christian counseling or otherwise. Your desire and willingness to consider counseling is courageous and worth honoring. It is not always easy to share one’s life experiences, concerns, and hopes. However, you are worth being known, heard, and valued. Let’s look at ways Christian counseling might be a good fit for you.
Immeasurably Valued
Within the foundation of counseling is the recognition of the inherent value of each client. As a Christian counselor, this perspective connects to how I believe God views each of us… with immense and immeasurable love. At times, this love can be hard to receive, believe, or reconcile with our experiences. When unexpected pain, loss, apathy, or confusion appears, how does one navigate through in the light of God’s love?
One of the many aspects I am grateful for about God is His invitation to ask hard questions. God, why I am here? Why did this happen? How will we get through this? The counseling room is a space to hold one’s faith closely, while wrestling with our questions. In that wrestling, I wholeheartedly believe we will encounter the love of God that speaks purpose in the midst of pain, comfort to the weary soul and destiny that outweighs history. When we ask questions about our own lives, I believe God reveals who He is to us. His love which is unchanging, His healing that is always moving, and His eternal hope that reminds us there is more beyond what we presently see.
Renewing of the Mind
Many therapies today focus on the power of our thoughts and the beliefs attached to them. There is abundant research (3) that reveals how the stewardship of one’s thoughts can rewire the brain. In neuroscience, this process is known as neuroplasticity which indicates the brain’s ability to create new neural pathways.
This concept in the Bible is known as “renewing the mind.” In Christian counseling, we explore the automatic thoughts that arise in one’s mind. What do these thoughts sound like? Are they self-condemning? Shaming? If so, they are often attached to deep wounds one has believed about themselves. When we bring awareness toward these thoughts and beliefs, we can recognize them more readily as they arise. In doing so, we can process through what has contributed to that narrative and incorporate a new narrative. In Christian counseling, this can look like recognizing a client’s identity as a beloved child of God, who has immense purpose, and is meant to impact this world for such a time as this.
A verse that echoes this sentiment, “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago” (Ephesians 2:10, New Living Translation). In this verse, the word masterpiece was translated from the original Greek word poiema, which means poem. Each life is a poem written by God. There are unique gifts and stories that every person carries.
In the counseling room, one of my greatest joys is witnessing the uniqueness and strengths of the individual sitting in front of me. God has created each one of us with a mighty purpose. It is not a mistake that you are here, and while the journey is not always easy or smooth, your presence is needed. There is a ripple effect of impact connected to your life. The counseling room is meant to be a space to recognize what has hindered this truth and recognize the fullness of who one is.
Ready to take the Next Step?
I pray that, as you consider counseling with a Christian Counselor, you are reminded that you are worth the journey of healing and finding meaning. Any counselor, including myself, would be honored to meet with you, so reach out today.
Ready to take the next step? Read Allie Datz’s bio here and contact her directly by phone or email to schedule your complimentary consultation.
You may also contact our Care Coordinator here to learn about additional counselors available for you and your family members.
(1) What Role do Religion and Spirituality Play in Mental Health?
(2) Spirituality, Religiousness and Mental Health: A review of the current Scientific Evidence
(3) Neuroplasticity and Clinical Practice: Building Brain Power for Health